Up-to-date information on the usage of individual safes during the period of martial law


Working hours of safe deposit boxes

The work schedule of the Bank's branches is constantly changing in accordance with the situation in the country. In this regard, the Bank updates information about the work of branches on the website twice a day.  To get into the safe storage, you must have a passport and a key to an individual safe with you.

The procedure for extending lease agreements for a new term

If before the end of the working hours of the last day of the term for using an individual safe, you have not informed about the termination of using an individual safe and ensured that the appropriate amount is available on the card account to write off the commission, the Bank will extend the lease agreement on the same terms. If the amount on the card account to write off the commission is not enough by the agreement's end date, then its extension will not take place, and the lease agreement will be terminated.

Accrual of fines and penalties

The Bank, after the date of termination of the lease agreement, canceled the accrual of double commissions, fines, and penalties for late renewal of lease agreements. The deadline for the cancellation of commissions, fines, and penalties is till 31.05.2022 (with the possibility of extension).

Closing lease agreements

Due to numerous requests, we inform you that the lease agreement can be closed at the branch where it was opened. In case of personal appeal, the owner (tenant) of the safe or an authorized representative can close the agreement if there is a notarized power of attorney. To close the lease agreement, you must vacate the individual safe and return the key.